Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Role

"A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world."  Albert Camus
If I were to say what character is made of it would be experience, genetics, and ethics. Our society would have no structure without ethics and morals. It would be easy to say that one little broken rule, such as cutting in line or plagiarizing on a research paper, would have no effect on myself, others around me, or society as a whole. However, this is not the case. There is a domino effect on society that leads to a downfall, when one takes what is unwarranted. My one action of cheating could turn into a common action and therefore influence others to take on that same action. If I'm breaking the rules, why can't they? Once all of society is breaking minor rules of ethics, the minor rules will become major rules, and ethics will disappear completely. As the philosopher Albert Camus said, humanity will become uncivilized and a "wild beast" will run rampant. In the big scheme of things, my plagiarizing could cause death as crime and chaos result from a lawless and selfish society. I, therefore refuse to take part in any action that would endanger my character and its role to maintain ethics and morals in society.

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